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www.adrisya.in is owned & managed by Shabnam Bhojwani .All the contents of the site are only for general information or use. They do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making any decision.
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The details of the products or product specifications (weight, color, handwork details, size, etc.) as shown on the website of Adrisya, are only approximate values. While we shall make all endeavors to ensure accuracy of order of the product, however; there may occur variations in color of the actual product against that as shown on the website, due to the natural limitation of digital photography, differences in display output due to lighting, color settings and capabilities of monitors. A customer must place an order keeping in mind this minor variation in color as seen on the website as against the actual color of the product received.
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With a view to provide our users/customers latest information and material, www.adrisya.in will make changes in the products or services described on this site from time to time. The prices displayed on website are for Internet orders. Availability and prices of items are cause to undergo change without prior notice. Any prices displayed on www.adrisya.in may not be indicative of the actual selling prices in any particular area. We at reserve the right to limit sales, including the right to prohibit sales to re-sellers. www.adrisya.in is not responsible for any typographical or photographic errors/shortcomings.
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In case of any doubts user may seek clarifications from www.adrisya.in through Email : sales@adrisya.in and should not use any service/place order before he gets a written clarification about the same.
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